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To bring light and life to our society. 


To utilize the existing framework of the principal Culture of Life Service Organization in the United States and the Knights of Columbus.


To raise awareness, fun and funds from within the Church and throughout society to bring Mobile Ultrasound Facilities to each qualified Pregnancy Resource Center over the next seven years throughout the United States. 

Our Mission


Get Involved

Spread the word about our 70 cities in 7 years mission.

Donate your old car to Light and Life Mobile Ultrasound, Inc. vehicle donation program to start an Opus or support an existing Opus.



Knights and Friends of the Poor Help Nigeria - Mass and Dinner


Saturday, August 29 starting at 5:00



Knights Bring Light Film

Our greatly anticipated Knights Bring Light Film, which tracks the KofC-Light and Life 70X7 Mobile Ultrasound Initiative, is on schedule for Christmas 2015, release.  Click the play button above to view the trailer. Please spread the word by sharing this video with fellow Brother Knights and Pregnancy Resource Centers.


The 7 1/2 minute Knights Bring Light "Call-To-Action" Segment Video, now, is available, and is getting strong reviews.  Recommended donation is $7.70, and we'll pay our handling and shipping costs.  Contact SK Greg Jon Anthony, California State Council Mobile Ultrasound Program Chair at / 858-333-8751, regarding special "volume" requests.

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