Light and Light Mardi Gras Dinner!
San Diego Area Knights of Columbus invite everyone to attend their Mardi Gras of Light and Life in support of San Diego
Area-Opus 3 on Saturday March 1, 2014 starting at 5:30 p.m.
Admission is free!
Registration-Social Hour: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
New Orleans-style Dinner: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
We'll have delicious Cajun-Creole food (Jumbalaya and lots of greens) and live New Orleans-style jazz ... and we'll raffle off some very cool items such as a Big-Screen HD television, week-end in Julian, and much more! And we'll talk about the progress of the first OEM ultra-sound equipped mobile pregnancy support platform being built, here, in Southern California.
Seating is limited, so reserve your place, NOW, by using the Regsiter Now button below.
Then grab your strings of beads and come join us for a guaranteed tastey dinner and a guaranteed fun purpose-filled, evening. This open-and-free-to-all event is presented by member Knights of the San Diego KofC Chapter, KofC Balboa Assembly and KofC St. Brigid's, Mary Star of the Sea and Point Loma councils, all, in cooperation with Life and Light and Life Mobile Ultrasound.
Questions? Call Greg or Gabriele Anthony at 858-622-1188
or Steve Beuerle at 858-945-8550.
Saturday, March 1st 2014 - 5:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Columbus Club
4425 Home Avenue
San Diego , CA 92105
Cost - FREE