Provide Seed Money
Donate “earmarked” money to Light and Life Mobile Ultrasound, Inc. a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit corporation, your local Knights of Columbus Council or “Light and Life Qualified” Pregnancy Resource Center to start an Opus.
Opus Participating Council
If you are a member of a Knight of Columbus council interested in being a “local” participating council for an Opus, contact Knights of Light and Life, Greg Anthony or Steve Beuerle.
Donate Your Old Car
Donate your old car to Light and Life Mobile Ultrasound, Inc. vehicle donation program to start an Opus or support an existing Opus.
Volunteer time and talent to work a Light and Life “Local” Dinner, Golf Tournament or Gala – or just purchase tickets and participate in these fun, and purpose-filled, life-affirming events!
Pray Unceasingly
Pray unceasingly for Light and Life 70X7 – that, by the Unbounded Providence of the Father, manifest in the Unceasing Love of the Son and Inextinguishable Power and Workings of the Holy Spirit, all of us in the ever-increasing movement of Light and Life will be inspired, and empowered, to help bring the Divine Light and Life to 70 cities throughout the United States, as quickly as possible, and help build up and sustain the Culture of Life, now and always. Amen !
Donate Raffle/Auction Items
Donate Raffle or Silent Auction items to Light and Life Mobile Ultrasound, Inc. your local Knights of Columbus Council or “Light and Life Qualified” Pregnancy Resource Center to support an existing Opus.
Support Your Local PRC
Support your local PRC and encourage them to contact Greg or Steve about “going mobile.”